Showing Up

Information and inspiration to show up for yourself, your team and your audience

Lara Wilson Lara Wilson

In the listener’s shoes

Last week, I texted a radio morning show. Not one I work with, but one I was listening to on my way home from morning school drop-off…

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Lara Wilson Lara Wilson

How to frame regret on-air

Inspiration for this week’s post comes from Trevor Noah’s memoir, Born a Crime… he said these wise words, and I thought, I have to share them!

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Lara Wilson Lara Wilson

Why do we remember the negative?

Why do we tend to remember the negative – about a person, a vacation, a past job, even feedback from a coach? It’s called the negativity bias.

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Lara Wilson Lara Wilson

The way of integrity

The question that has me thinking this week, from James Clear: If I keep doing what I am doing today for the next five years, will I end up with more of what I want or less of what I want?

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