Are you coachable?


Is coaching right for you? Maybe, but maybe not. According to my experience, and reinforced by my latest read, the The Trillion Dollar Coach: The Leadership Playbook of Sillicon Valley’s Bill Campbell, here are the qualities of the most coachable people (athletes, executives and air talent alike): 

  • Honesty 

  • Ability to be vulnerable

  • Self-awareness of your strengths and weaknesses 

  • Openness to facing your blind spots

  • Humility to admit you aren't perfect

  • Humility also to know that you are part of something bigger than yourself

  • Willingness to persevere and work hard

  • Openness to learning new ideas and new ways of doing things

Who isn’t coachable? Someone who is not open to feedback, not willing to test new ideas, and someone who is not willing to disagree with the coach to deepen the conversation.

The least productive dynamic in the coach relationship is the person who says what they think the coach wants to hear. Keep the BS to a minimum.


Are you as self-aware as you think?


Prompts for finding inspiration