September is the new January


When we think of committing to a new habit, we often think of a New Year’s resolution, which comes only after too much holiday spending, binging on Christmas sweets and possibly overindulging in adult beverages. 

September, however, is a much better time of the year to tackle a new commitment to yourself. Your team is back to full strength after the summer holidays. Rhythms at home are typically more scheduled with kids back in school and, even without kids, you’ve been trained to think that September means the fun is over – it’s time to get down to business. 

So what does getting down to business look like for you? Here are some suggestions: 

  • Review your systems. What takes too long? Where can you streamline to make things 10-15% more efficient? Is everyone on your team working in areas of strength for them?

  • Recommit to longer-term show planning. Did your weekly brainstorm meetings go by the wayside? Start looking ahead to Halloween, Thanksgiving, elections, holiday season. Now is the time to start getting the wheels turning. 

  • Conduct a benchmark review. Look at any daily, weekly or floating features and decide if they have run their course, need tweaking, are fine as is, or should be aired even more often.

  • My mom used to say there are no such thing as bored people, just boring people. If you have settled into a comfortable, predictable routine, what can you do to change things up? Take the dog to a new park each weekend? Take listener recommendations to binge-watch a show that would never be in your queue? Try a new physical activity or hobby with your partner? 

  • How is your social media game? If you’ve been considering trying a new strategy, what are you waiting for? No one really knows what they’re doing. Give it a try! Have fun and laugh at yourself if it goes awry.

  • Recommit to your health. Pandemic diet and sleep habits have us all feeling a little sluggish. How can you be 10-15% more healthy? Consider some easy baby steps you can take, even on your worst day. 

Good luck and keep me posted when you make that new resolution! Email me at


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