Showing Up for Your Sales Team

From time to time, I hear morning shows say, “Our sales department doesn’t even listen to our show” or “We can’t get their help on anything…” It makes me wonder…

How committed have you been to doing your part?

I saw the following post on Studio Think Tank, from morning host Matt McAllister in Seattle. What a great example of a morning team showing up for their fellow employees: 

Every Friday we send an email to everyone in our building, letting them know what's going on with the show, and sharing the best moments from the week. We include audio, links to social posts, and anything else that will help them get to know our show better and therefore sell it more easily. 

This has helped bridge the gap between not only sales and talent, but with the other stations in our cluster as well. 

I also do this every day for the rest of the air staff so they can promote our show easier and remind our audience what's happening in the morning. This too has helped the show and also made the air staff closer, since not everyone is local. 

To me, this is a win-win-win. And easy, since you’re already compiling bits for weekend shows, podcasts and social posts. Are you doing anything like this? Would love to hear how you are helping the other departments or stations in your cluster, or the overall morale of the building.

Keep showing up!


Slow News Day? Here’s Help!