Fine-tuning the three components of every talk segment
Mastering Momentum: How to Keep Your Talk Breaks Engaging and Efficient
Personal reveals: Scars vs. wounds
From Wounds to Wisdom: The Power of Honest Storytelling
Something to celebrate
10 Years of Angela Perelli Coaching: Celebrating Connection, Creativity, and Showing Up!
Dig Deeper. Be more interesting.
Using Google to differentiate your content in unique and interesting ways
Showing Up: Stop the fearmongering…AI is your new assistant producer
Ditch the Fear, Embrace the Future
Before you jump into problem-solving mode...
How often do you stop to make sure you know what specific problem you’re solving?
How to thrive without burning out
People are being asked to do more and more. It's tough out there.
Are you asking the right question?
What's the one question that a gold-medal team asked that you can ask too?
How to talk about hard things
Local disasters, pandemics, heated political climates, oh my!
We’re listening all wrong
Why is listening so important when you’re paid to talk for a living?
How to Set Up Your Content So Listeners Stay To Hear What You Have to Say
Hook Your Audience: Craft Content That Captivates and Keeps Them Listening
Back to School
Back to School, Back to Fresh Ideas: Engage Your Audience with Creative School-Themed Content
The Memorable and the Meh: A contrast in storytelling
How a Roman Colosseum Tour Can Teach You to Craft More Captivating Stories
Showing Up
Information and inspiration to show up for yourself, your team and your audience.