Year-end exercise

How do you want to show up in 2025? Now is the time to plant the seeds so you can come back in January and hit the ground running. Take time before the holidays to set the tone for 2025 by using one post-show meeting to answer the following three questions. 

In order for us to be successful in 2025: : 

  • What will we CONTINUE to do? (building on current good habits and systems)

  • What do you want to STOP doing? (curbing bad habits)

  • What do you want to START doing? (stretching beyond the present)

This exercise takes the focus off of things you can’t control and puts the responsibility squarely on your shoulders, what you can do to impact the year ahead. Prioritize the actions that will have the biggest bang for the buck. Table some of the actions to review in a month or two once the most important to-do items are tackled or, if habitual, have become second nature. 

While the questions will give you focus at work, they are also good questions to ask yourself in other aspects of your life – health and wellness; family and relationships; adventure and travel, etc. 

I’d love to hear the list you’ve come up with if you’re willing to share. 

This is my last email of 2024. Happy holidays and keep showing up!

~ Angela 


Greetings from the apocalypse!


Something to celebrate