Care... but not that much

I once had a boss named Ken who used to say, “Care, but not that much.” At the time, he was helping me manage my workload and stress, but these words took on more meaning for me recently.

With the fires raging nearby over the past few weeks, I bided my time going through the things in my office. It was a surreal, even existential experience asking myself, “If I had to evacuate right now, would I take this with me?” I threw out a lot of stuff! It became clear quickly that when things get serious, not that much matters beyond family, friends, pets, a few cherished photos and letters, and a ratty stuffed bear named Scooter. 

It was freeing to realize that not much else mattered, and it’s true that sometimes a tragedy has to be the thing to trigger such a revelation. So I share the awareness with you so that maybe you can minimize your stress today, by just a little bit. 

Focus on what matters most. 

And if you’re wondering if your job as a morning personality matters, know that there are listeners who are going through their own challenges who rely on your stable presence every morning to help remind them that everything’s going to be OK. I know I have relied on local radio and local TV news to keep me comforted and informed.

But the job can be stressful and we’re all guilty of getting wound up about things that, in the greater picture, don’t matter all that much. Will your stressful situation matter in a month? A week? A day? How much of your energy are you giving to the situation? 

Can you follow Ken’s advice and “Care, but not that much.” 

There’s a new fire raging today north of us, but we are out of harm’s way, at least for now. To all of you who sent prayers and good thoughts, and those who reached out to check on us, thank you. It truly means so much.

~ Angela


Personal reveals: Scars vs. wounds


Greetings from the apocalypse!