Face Your Fear: Coping with the Fear of Getting Fired Pt 1
Before you panic, gather evidence of how you’re doing.
Tame Your Thinking: Coping with The Fear of Getting Fired Pt 2
Stop catastrophizing and start living.
How To Overcome Imposter Syndrome Once and For All
You’ve heard the term, “Fake it til you Make it” but have you tried it?
September is the new January
Ready to commit to some resolutions? Don’t wait til January. The time is now.
How to make the most of your show promos
More listeners will hear your promo than heard your morning show. Make the promo great with these best practices.
Are you as self-aware as you think?
Time to check yourself for blind spots that could be holding you back…
Are you coachable?
Are You Coachable?
You might say you want a coach, but do you have the character traits necessary to succeed?
Prompts for finding inspiration
We all get stuck for ideas sometimes. How do famous authors get inspiration?
In the listener’s shoes
Last week, I texted a radio morning show. Not one I work with, but one I was listening to on my way home from morning school drop-off…
Authenticity is a double-edged sword
Every show claims they want to be known as “authentic.” But what does that mean and, honestly, how authentic should you be?
How to frame regret on-air
Inspiration for this week’s post comes from Trevor Noah’s memoir, Born a Crime… he said these wise words, and I thought, I have to share them!
Why do we remember the negative?
Why do we tend to remember the negative – about a person, a vacation, a past job, even feedback from a coach? It’s called the negativity bias.
The way of integrity
The question that has me thinking this week, from James Clear: If I keep doing what I am doing today for the next five years, will I end up with more of what I want or less of what I want?
How to be useful in every meeting, and more
How to be useful in every meeting via Fast Company, is relatable not only for meetings. It’s exactly what we talk about for on-air personalities.
Becoming the best in a world of compromise
This week, I have been taking notes from Excellence Wins: A No-Nonsense Guide to Becoming the Best in a World of Compromise by Horst Schulze, Dean Merrill.
How to address a personal or difficult situation on-air
You know me. I come across interesting stuff and then I share it with you. This week I listened to a podcast from Sounds True called Simply Be: A New Approach to Personal Branding.
For women in radio
I attended a Women in Radio virtual conference last weekend and, as always, took away some good nuggets for you!
Showing Up
Information and inspiration to show up for yourself, your team and your audience.