How to be useful in every meeting, and more


How to be useful in every meeting via Fast Company, is relatable not only for meetings. It’s exactly what we talk about for on-air personalities. The author compares how you should be in meetings (embracing your ignorance and fallibility) to how stand-up comedians avoid being know-it-alls. “In fact, [stand up comedians] do the opposite – talking about shortcomings over strengths, failures over successes and, more specifically, what they don’t understand over what they do."

If you’re a parent who is struggling with work life balance – made so much harder in a 24/7 industry like morning radio, the matrix (similar to Stephen Covey’s important vs. urgent model) will help you prioritize (via Harvard Business Review).

And here’s interesting proof that honesty and authenticity are valued more highly than ever... Check out this Time article about why celebrity memoirs are selling better than ever... Hint: More vulnerability. Less pretense. 


The way of integrity


Becoming the best in a world of compromise